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Work with us!

The L&G Center provides amenities for coworking at a rate of $75/month. A coworker at the LGC gains the following benefits:

  • 24/7 access to the building
  • High speed internet
  • Printer/Scanner access
  • Both hot and cold beverages
  • Office snacks
  • Life advice from Lord Gillikin
  • Unintentional comedy from General Hawkins
  • Time with Prince Theon d’Cat (if he so chooses)

Our space is great for freelancers and remote workers who need some time away from home. Our space is limited, and so our coworking spots are also limited.

Please note that we do not provide individual cubicles or office spaces, and so we ask that coworkers keep conference calls short and sweet. To see our space, feel free to stop by during the day or contact us with any questions.

We hope to work with you soon!